Seminar F2024- Dr. Ben Hayes
Date and Time
Online via Microsoft Teams.

This week we are happy to have Dr. Ben Hayes, a professor at the University of Queensland presenting for us on Friday, October 25th, 2024. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The presentation title is: “Potential approaches to create ultimate genotypes in livestock”.
Speaker biography: Professor Hayes has extensive research experience in genetic improvement of livestock, crop, pasture and aquaculture species, with a focus on integration of genomic information into breeding programs, including leading many large-scale projects which have successfully implemented genomic technologies in livestock and cropping industries. Author of more than 300 journal papers, including in Nature Genetics, Nature Reviews Genetics, and Science, contributing to statistical methodology for genomic, microbiome and metagenomic profile predictions, quantitative genetics including knowledge of genetic mechanisms underlying complex traits, and development of bioinformatics pipelines for sequence analysis.
Information to attend: To join this seminar, please ensure you have downloaded the Microsoft Teams application to your computer or join the meeting online using the web browser version of Microsoft Teams. Please join the meeting with your microphone on mute and the camera turned off. After the presentation, you can unmute the microphone, and optionally turn on the camera, if you wish to ask a question. Alternatively, if you wish to pose your question in the chat function, the presenter will answer questions made through the chat.
Teams link to attend:
*Recordings of previous CGIL seminars are available at: channel/UCAQ_ 5WCTMRQ6Gs35yROqGIQ/featured
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Meeting ID: 237 515 680 822
Passcode: 2QEF9W