CGIL Seminar F2022- Dr. Caeli Richardson
Date and Time
Online via Microsoft Teams

We are happy to have with us Dr. Caeli Richardson, a consultant at AbacusBio, to present this Fri day October 28th, 2022. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: "Sustainability beyond methane emissions and feed efficiency".
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Caeli Richardson discovered her passion for agriculture while working on a dairy farm in Canada. She broadened her practical experience on a local swine and cash crop operation before gaining a global perspective of on-farm challenges and opportunities by exploring farming systems internationally. This practical experience, along with her theoretical training, allows Caeli to create innovative solutions to multifaceted problems. She brings tremendous passion and positive energy, in combination with strong communication skills and genetics knowledge, to the AbacusBio team. Before joining AbacusBio, Caeli completed her M.Sc. in Animal Breeding and Genetics at the University of Guelph on deriving economic values for feed efficiency traits in Canadian dairy cattle. She completed a Ph.D. in Computational Biology at La Trobe University in Australia, focusing on the development and implementation of genetic strategies to reduce dairy methane emissions. This project, through a collaboration with AbacusBio, resulted in the implementation of the Sustainability Index in Australia. This is a national selection index that dairy farmers can use to reduce their emissions while optimizing profitability. In the coming months, Caeli will participate in the ICAR Brian Wickham Young Persons Exchange Program investigating sustainability traits in cattle.
*Recordings of previous CGIL seminars are available at: channel/UCAQ_ 5WCTMRQ6Gs35yROqGIQ/featured
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