We are happy to have with us Krishani Sinhalage and Kelly Tremblay, Ph.D. and Master students at the University of Guelph, to present the CGIL Seminar on Friday, March 15th, 2024, as part of the course ANSC*6210: Principles of Selection in Animal Breeding. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams.
The titles of the papers being presented are:
"Response of Rambouillet Lambs to an Artificial Gastrointestinal Nematode Infection" [Krishani Sinhalage]
"Genetic improvement of egg laying traits in Fayoumi chickens bred under conditions of heat stress through selection and gene expression studies" [Kelly Tremblay]
Speakers Biographies:
Krishani Sinhalage is a first-year PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Angela Cánovas. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on the transcriptomic and genomic approaches to unravel the underlying genetics of sheep in response to gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infection. A former Erasmus Mundas scholar, she earned her double master’s degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden and the University of Goettingen, Germany. She is originally from Sri Lanka and has completed her B.Sc. in Animal Science and Fisheries and first master’s degree in Food Science and Technology at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Her overarching goal is to contribute to sustainable agriculture through the genetic improvement of livestock.
Kelly Tremblay graduated with a BSc in Animal Biology last year at the University of Guelph. She is now pursuing a Master’s in Animal Behaviour and Welfare but also has a special interest in selective breeding and genetics. Kelly is set to graduate at the end of August and cannot wait to start her journey in the industry.